
Artistic Pursuits 2

Third grade
12 months
Core curriculum

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Artistic Pursuits is an in-depth homeschool art curriculum which includes age-appropriate exposure to art history and art projects in a variety of media.

Each Artistic Pursuits volume contains eighteen lessons and can be completed in about four months at a rate of one lesson per week. We recommend completing the series in order, as the art history progresses chronologically.

Many families choose to set aside one half-day per week for art, but we recommend allowing more time if your child has a special affinity for it or wishes to continue a project beyond the scheduled allotment.

Each lesson contains a brief video, art history reading and an art project. You may choose to read to your children while they are completing the art project, or to play classical music.

The Artistic Pursuits courses require the purchase of materials, most of which are good to have on hand anyway as part of your homeschooling environment. You can purchase all materials used in this book in aggregate at the Artistic Pursuits website, but we have realized some cost savings by purchasing them piecemeal.

This course covers the second half of the Artistic Pursuits K-3 series, from the Northern Renaissance through modern art.

Course components

Art of the Northern Countries

By Artistic Pursuits

Core curriculum
Aug 4, 2024 - Nov 29, 2024

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