The Odyssey

By Homer

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Reading level

Level nine: Advanced adult literature
See more level nine books

Curriculum details

  • Sep 2, 2024 - Sep 20, 2024
  • 10 credit hours


The story of Odysseus' ten-year journey home from the Trojan War is a pillar of Western literature and a magnificent work in its own right.

Prepare by reading a synopsis of the plot (Wikipedia is fine) and spend some time browsing discussions of the work and its significance (such as and

Most modern readers find The Odyssey more approachable than its companion epic, The Iliad. That said, it can be challenging for young readers who are not used to reading unabridged classic literature. If you are struggling, one option is to listen to the audiobook instead of reading it in print. Epics like this were designed to be recited aloud, and a well-performed audio version allows you to experience the work as did Homer's original audiences.