Book cover

The Aeneid

By Virgil
Level nine
Ninth grade to twelfth grade
12 credit hours

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Curriculum details

Level nine: Advanced adult literature   ยท   See more level nine books
Ninth grade to twelfth grade
Core curriculum
12 credit hours


Essential reading for a classical education, The Aeneid is enjoyable in its own right. The Aeneid is comparable in length to The Odyssey or The Iliad, and deals with Rome's legendary ancestor Aeneas' escape from the destruction of Troy and quest to found a new kingdom in Italy.

Try to experience the full work if you have time. Otherwise, read at minimum Books 1 through 4, which deal with the escape from Troy and Aeneas' doomed romance with Dido, the queen of Carthage.

Like Homer's epics, The Aeneid was originally intended to be recited aloud and makes excellent listening. You may find a good audiobook version at