Book cover

Romeo and Juliet

By William Shakespeare
Level nine
Lifelong learning
3 credit hours

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Curriculum details

Level nine: Advanced adult literature   ยท   See more level nine books
Lifelong learning
Core curriculum
3 credit hours


Shakespeare can be challenging to read at first, but gets easier with practice and is well worth the effort. Make sure to use an annotated edition which provides explanations of archaic phrases.

For a gentle introduction to Shakespeare, try the No Fear Shakespeare series by Sparknotes, which includes a page-facing modern "translation" alongside the original text. If you use this option, do not allow the modern adaptation to replace your reading of the original language.

This course includes several of Shakespeare's most iconic plays. Try to view a performance of at least one of them, instead or in addition to reading the text. A free performance of Romeo and Juliet may be accessed at