Book cover

REAL Science Odyssey - Biology Level 2

By Pandia Press
Sixth grade
Core curriculum

Curriculum details

Sixth grade
Core curriculum


REAL Science Odyssey is a secular, hands-on science program for homeschoolers. Each lesson consists of reading material, followed by a hands-on activity or lab.

The activities are really the focus of the program, and you will probably spend more time on them than on the textbook. This provides a break from the more reading-intensive subjects in our curriculum, but does require some preparation on the part of parents. Sample activities (depending on the course) include making paper models, raising butterflies, observing the night sky and observing tardigrades under a microscope. Most supplies other than the microscope can be found around the home and yard.

REAL Science Odyssey courses spend a full academic year on a single branch of science. For middle school grades, their current offerings include Biology Level 2 and Astronomy Level 2.

The REAL Science Odyssey books can be pricey, but you can save money by purchasing the e-book (PDF file) versions and printing them yourself. The publisher also has occasional sales at its website, The middle school courses consist of a textbook and separate student workbook, plus an optional teacher's guide.

The Biology Level 2 course consists of 32 chapters with accompanying labs and other activities. At the rate of about one chapter per week, it can be completed within eight or nine months.

The textbook, workbook and optional teacher's guide for this course can be purchased at The product description pages include a free sample of the e-book where you can view the table of contents and try a sample lesson.

A note about microscopes: Though the microscope activities in this course are optional, they are a lot of fun, and if you purchase a microscope now you will be able to use it through high school biology (when it will be required). The cost of quality microscopes has come down dramatically in recent years. Here are two good options:

1. More powerful, mid-range price:

2. Less powerful, budget price: