REAL Science Odyssey - Astronomy Level 1

By Pandia Press

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Curriculum details

  • Dec 30, 2024 - May 30, 2025


REAL Science Odyssey is a secular, hands-on science program for homeschoolers. Each lesson consists of reading material, followed by a hands-on activity or lab.

The activities are really the focus of the program, and you will probably spend more time on them than on the textbook. This provides a break from the more reading-intensive subjects in our curriculum, but does require some preparation on the part of parents. Sample activities (depending on the course) include making paper models, raising butterflies, observing the night sky and observing tardigrades under a microscope. Most supplies can be found around the home and yard.

REAL Science Odyssey courses each focus on a single branch of science. Available courses for elementary grades are Biology, Astronomy, Earth and Environment, Chemistry and Physics. These can be completed in any order, making it easy to combine multiple elementary grade students into one course.

The REAL Science Odyssey books can be pricey, but you can save money by purchasing the e-book (PDF file) versions and printing them yourself. The publisher also has occasional sales at its website,

This course is designed to be completed in one semester, working on science two days per week. (The Astronomy and Earth & Environment courses can be combined to make a full year, in any order).

The course book can be purchased at This page also includes a free sample of the e-book where you can view the table of contents and try a sample lesson.