Book cover
Foreign Language

Integrated Chinese 2 Textbook

By Yuehua Liu
Foreign Language
Ninth grade and up
120 credit hours

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Curriculum details

Course: Chinese 2
Ninth grade and up
Core curriculum
120 credit hours


This is one of the best modern Chinese textbooks and is used by high schools and universities as well as independent learners. It comes in two versions: traditional or characters. Most students choose to learn Chinese with simplified characters which are what is used in modern mainland China, but it is fine to choose either option. (See for a good discussion of which character system to learn.)

This book has twenty lessons, and is about twice as long as the Chinese 1 textbook. Each lesson comprises dialogues (usually two) along with new vocabulary, a grammar section, and a language practice section. Students should plan to complete two lessons per month in order to finish within a year. We suggest completing half a lesson each week.

The audio files can be downloaded at We suggest listening to the dialogues multiple times, and reading along as you listen. When you complete the language practice exercises, read the sentences and provide the responses aloud for best results.