Book cover
Foreign Language

Chinese conversation practice

Foreign Language
Ninth grade and up
90 credit hours

Curriculum details

Course: Chinese 1
Ninth grade and up
Core curriculum
90 credit hours


For this activity, we suggest using, an online tutoring service that connects students with native speaker tutors around the world at affordable prices.

There are a large number of Mandarin Chinese tutors on italki. We suggest trying a few with good student reviews, and sticking with one that you work well with.

Share your textbook lessons with your tutor, and ask him or her to help you practice conversation using the vocabulary and grammar you've already covered. A good teacher will take the lead on making conversation, speak slowly and clearly, and spend most of the lesson time speaking and having you speak Chinese (except for brief explanations in English as needed for beginners).

To make substantial progress, we recommend scheduling conversation practice sessions at least twice per week. Half-hour or 45-minute lessons are best at the beginner level.